Partner with us

Join the movement of world change maker

Collaboration is vital to achieving our mission. We work with partners, including individuals, businesses, and organizations/foundations, to create a positive impact in Uganda and beyond.

At Jangu International, we believe that every young person, regardless of their background, has the potential to become a change-maker in their community. Our mission is to empower disadvantaged youth through social entrepreneurship, providing them with the skills, mindset, and resources to create social and environmental enterprises that tackle the problems of today’s society. We invite you to partner with us in our mission to transform education for vulnerable groups and create a brighter future for our communities

We are proud to work with a diverse range of partners, including nonprofit organizations, corporations, foundations, and individual donors. Our partners support us in various ways, such as through funding, in-kind support, mentorship, and volunteering. By partnering with Jangu International, you can be part of a global movement to empower young people and create positive social change.