Jangu International Applied scoial Innovation 25

Applied Social Innovation Program (ASI) -Apply Now

As a young person in Uganda, have you ever felt the desire to make a positive impact on your community but didn’t know where to start? Do you have ideas on how to solve some of the social challenges in your community, but lack the resources and guidance to bring them to life? If so, Jangu International’s Applied Social Innovation Program may be the perfect opportunity for you. Click to Apply

Jangu International is now accepting applications for the 25th cohort of our Applied Social Innovation Program. This program provides a unique learning opportunity for young people aged 18-30 to tap into their potential and make a positive impact on their community through social entrepreneurship. Application Guide

Through the program, participants will learn about the principles of social entrepreneurship, design thinking, project management, and other essential skills needed to start and run a successful social enterprise. They will also have the opportunity to develop their ideas into tangible projects with the guidance of experienced mentors and trainers.

One of the most significant benefits of the program is that it provides full accommodation and food for participants. This support means that young people from all backgrounds can apply, regardless of their financial situation. Additionally, participants will have access to a supportive network of like-minded individuals who are passionate about social change and making a difference in their communities.

The Applied Social Innovation Program is an excellent opportunity for young people who are interested in pursuing purpose through social entrepreneurship. By joining the program, participants will gain the knowledge, skills, and support needed to turn their ideas into reality and create positive change in their communities.

If you’re a young person in Uganda who wants to make a difference, don’t miss out on this chance to join the 25th cohort of Jangu International’s Applied Social Innovation Program. Apply now and take the first step towards pursuing your purpose through social entrepreneurship.

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